They call me The Wanderer.
— Dion
Hello, Friends!!
Sorry we have been absent for a few months. We did a thing (see below), we got ‘er done, and then we escaped the oppressively hot summer here in North Carolina for a little bit. Susannah beat it to the West Coast to the Big Sur wilderness for a month and David took a pilgrimage to the U.K.!
Did your parents used to go on vacation and then have slide shows in the living room for all the neighbors to come see? Martinis in hand and a 2-hour point by point visual description every. single. thing. they. saw.
Well, We’ve turned into our parents. Want to see ours? 😁🍸⬇︎
All you need to know about Big Sur is that Susannah is going back next week and will be going back often from now on. You can see why. As Henry Miller said, “It was here in Big Sur that I first learned to say amen.” Plus, the pull of family is strong, and hers are all there on the west coast.
David and Mac finally got to take a trip almost three years in the making (thanks Covid). This was supposed to be a trip for all three of the Henderson men, but the passing of David's dad meant that it became a trip for two, however some of Jerry traveled with them and now rests in a couple of beautiful locations in Scotland!
Away Home
Okay, so the thing we did was….. finally….. at long last…. our workshop offering of AWAY HOME!!! (or as you might remember, the working title was THE UNTITLED KAFKA PROJECT).
We gathered 10 intrepid actors, our inimitable director, Mia Self, our incredible playwright Tamara Kissane, and our phenomenal composer/lyricist Matthew Hager, put them in the rehearsal studio for 10 days and — wow!! They created magic together and brought our vision to life in a way we only dreamed of! We had two sold-out houses and lots of very positive feedback form our audiences.
We are so grateful to everyone who gave their time and talent to the workshop and also to North Carolina State University’s Theatre program. Their generosity enabled us to have rehearsal and performance space that we otherwise would’ve had to pay thousands of dollars for. The team there is THE BEST! Thank you to:
Joshua Reaves, Danica Jackson, Mia Self, Matt Rosine, Kathy Ferrell, Byron Jennings III, Hayden Tyler, Julie Oliver, Alli Mae Carnes, Emily Steinhoff James, DJ Brinson, Edith Snow, Jess Barbour, Devin Lackey, and Angelina Biron.
So, what comes next? Well, now we mull it all over with Tamara and Matthew, give them time and space to edit and create a new draft based on what they learned from the workshop, and then regroup. Most musicals and other new theatrical works take years to develop, and our show will be no different. Stay tuned as we refine and rework AWAY HOME.

Thanks to your generosity, Honest Pint Theatre Co. is able to continue our mission to present great works of theatre to audiences around the Triangle.
At Honest Pint, less than 50% of our budget is covered by ticket sales. It is through the support of generous individuals that we are able to maintain high artistic quality while keeping tickets affordable and paying our artists for their hard work. Your gift helps assure that Honest Pint can continue to provide the best in theatre to our community.
We would be grateful for any amount, large or small, that you would be willing to donate. Things are brewing, and with your help, they will be served up very soon!
There are several ways you can give:
Click this link to to make a gift via PayPal. https://www.paypal.com/donate?token=k7lpQyyfYIleBhj8RbHqXPCAH7S3BGliW6hLs1wQWunbNiQp4K7R_BThBcTMZnqZvhEDKzfdiOTEUcPf
Mail a check to
Honest Pint Theatre Company 7617 Percy Court Raleigh, NC 27613
We hope you have a wonderful rest of your summer. Before you know it we will be wearing sweaters and watching leaves fall!
Thank you for your continued support!
Until next month.....
Susannah and David