honest pint's home brew series
is our series featuring NC artists, writers, musicians, and actors sharing stories and works in an intimate, social atmosphere. We showcase the incredible
local talent in our area and
provide an opportunity to
hear what’s brewing in
the NC arts scene. We
hope you will join us for
an evening of craft beer,
storytelling, and community.
Raise a pint in support of artists creating!

stay tuned for future shows!
Hey, thanks for your interest in our Home Brew series! We'll announce upcoming shows here. For now, take a look at our past Home Brews below:

katie connors martin - july 2018
In July we were joined by our friend, writer/producer Katie Connors Martin. Katie writes a blog called Midway Mindset where she professes that it is never too late for any of us to take flight. Though it took her 52 years to figure out she didn't want to pretend to be okay anymore, Katie is two parts laughter, four parts truth, and a half pound of tragedy, sprinkled with equal amounts of hope, bravery, and vulnerability. Katie feels strongly that everything should be served on a giant plate of irreverence with a large glass of compassion and kindness. Divorced and dating, Katie is a mother of three adult children and recently welcomed her first grandchild. Though her mother told her being a writer was a very bad idea, Katie is fulfilling every daughter's dream of proving her mother wrong and intends to write like nobody's reading.

Tamara kissane - april 2018
In April we were honored and grateful to feature Tamara Kissane. She spoke passionately and eloquently about loving the artist in you and supporting the artists you love. Having her share the first in her series of “what I learned from 40 years of not being famous” was the perfect pairing with THE ABSOLUTE BRIGHTNESS OF LEONARD PELKEY! Not only were the words important, but Tamara is a champion for local artists and spoke about how we can all respect art and remove obstacles. You can hear this and more in the series on her podcast, https://artistsoapbox.org.

john allore - february 2018
Our February show featured John Allore, writer, actor, victim advocate, and host of Who Killed Theresa?, a podcast about unsolved murders. February’s show features his story of Chapel Hill resident Deborah Key, whose 1997 murder remains unsolved, Allore’s tie to the story, and how it compelled him to confront the unsolved murder of his sister, Theresa.
One Canadian’s American dream gone wrong…